Once you have entered your specific clients’ data, you are in a position to explore various strategic options available to your client based on their financial resources.
You can run various what-if scenarios based on your clients’ financial resources. You have identified one or more strategic options. You have discussed them with your client – you client is on board.
Nothing remains but to create your clients’ Personalized PLANS.
The Debt Elimination Software helps you create a SUMMARY and DETAILED plan for your clients.
The SUMMARY PLAN visualizes where your clients will be if they follow your plan. You can give your clients the SUMMARY PLAN free to entice them to do business with you.
The DETAILED PLAN depicts step-by-step what to and what strategies to follow. You will charge a fee for personalizing, delivering, implementing and monitoring the DETAILED PLAN – we don’t dictate what you can or can’t charge for your service.
Click here to see a sample summary plan.
Click here to see a sample detailed plan.
You can only deliver this superior value proposition if you become a user of this Debt Elimination Software.
Go ahead and give the Software a test drive. Get a One Month Test Drive Here — it’s free, it’s no-obligation.